Tag Archives: sexology

Love: Myth Or Reality?

by Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD Boca Therapy  and blog with her at Ask Dr. Arlene.

Well, July 4th has come and gone, and the summer is almost half over. Can you believe it? What about your dreams all winter long, enduring the cold and the snow, thinking about that great summer vacation that lies ahead. Hoping to meet that special someone during that long hot and sultry summer, you devise the most intricate of plans in your head, knowing it will be a July full of romance and lust that will outshine any firework display!

SCREEEEECCHHHHHH!!!!! Ok, now back to reality. It is the middle of the summer, and your one true love has not yet appeared! Egad! What on earth, no it can’t be, not another bummer of a summer with no fantastic love story to report upon return to earth and your fellow co-workers!

So then, what of this fantasy that most of us have had once or twice in our lives, to fall madly in love with that one unique and fantastic, handsome/beautiful person that walks on water and floats through the air?

The one that you’ve created in your mind a thousand times over, that will love you like you’ve never been loved before and can do no wrong. The one guy or gal that reminds you of good old mom’s apple pie and dad’s aftershave when you were 6 years old.

Its a bird, its a plane, NO….or is it merely a myth as intangible as Superman’s ability to fly?

You tell me. I’d love to hear from my readers first. Then I’d love to respond to most all of you as to whether or not I truly believe that “REAL LOVE” does indeed exist!!

Looking forward to hearing your comments. 

Dr. Krieger is a board certified clinical sex therapist (sexologist) and marriage and family therapist in Boca Raton, Fl.   She specializes in relationships and intimacy issues. Visit her site at

Boca Raton Sex Therapist Explains “A Sexless America”

Boca Raton Sexologist www.bocatherapy.com
Is anyone out there still having sex? Honestly, I know it is summer and hot hot hot out there, but c’mon people…surely you have the time and energy to conjure up a bit of sexy stuff with your partner! As they say, “Just Do It!”

Madonna’s got it right when she sings,
“Gonna dress you up in my love, in my love All over your body, all over your body In my love All over, all over From your head down to your toes.”

There ya go, remember what it feels like to be in lust?

In conversation with another mental health professional this week, I was startled to hear her corroborative report that none of her patients were having sex! Although she doesn’t specialize in sexuality, the issues of low libido and desire were also raising their sad statistical little heads in her psychiatric arena of therapy.

The issues of low libido, lack of desire and simply falling out of love with a partner are in the top 3, of issues that present in my office. The reasons range from simply not being in the mood, to some personal affront or offense perceived by one or another of the partners, resulting in a sexless and guarded relationship.

Once anger and contempt enter the parameters of relationship, there is a black hole where the heart used to be. No love or intimacy can grow there in the dark.

Only through healthy communication can these problems in a relationship be “fleshed out” a term used in the therapeutic world. This meaning, being able to work through the hurts and disappointments that are always there in the world of relationship. Knowing how to fight fairly, not bringing up the past or throwing verbal zingers at your partner just to inflict pain or harm.

Before you’re singing the song…you’re already gone, I’m lonely, and find yourself begging your partner to stay, stop here please! These are the final stages of argument, where partners can make mistakes that are irreparable.

Professional help can often help partners sort things out and prioritize their relationship in a healthier more functional manner.

The statistical facts continue to support the fact that marriage and relationship is hard work. It is hard to keep sexuality and romance alive in relationship today. What can be done about it? Is sex still important after a few years together?

As a Clinical sexologist, I say, plenty can be done about it! And yes, sex is absolutely, totally, definitely, a necessity in relationship. There are a 1001 ways to show love, and enjoy a fully satisfying sexual life with your partner.

Dr. Krieger is a Florida board certified sexologist, marriage and family counselor, and mental health therapist.  She is an expert author on Ezinearticles.com and known as America’s 2nd Favorite Sexologist.  Her office is located in Boca Raton and she provides telephone therapy worldwide. For more information visit http://www.bocatherapy.com

Blog with her at http://www.askdrarlene.com

Is Anybody Having Sex In America?

Is anyone out there still having sex? Honestly, I know it is summer and hot hot hot out there, but c’mon people…surely you have the time and energy to conjure up a bit of sexy stuff with your partner! As they say, “Just Do It!”

Madonna’s got it right when she sings,
“Gonna dress you up in my love, in my love All over your body, all over your body In my love All over, all over From your head down to your toes.”

There ya go, remember what it feels like to be in lust?

In conversation with another mental health professional this week, I was startled to hear her corroborative report that none of her patients were having sex! Although she doesn’t specialize in sexuality, the issues of low libido and desire were also raising their sad statistical little heads in her psychiatric arena of therapy.

The issues of low libido, lack of desire and simply falling out of love with a partner are in the top 3, of issues that present in my office. The reasons range from simply not being in the mood, to some personal affront or offense perceived by one or another of the partners, resulting in a sexless and guarded relationship.

Once anger and contempt enter the parameters of relationship, there is a black hole where the heart used to be. No love or intimacy can grow there in the dark.

Only through healthy communication can these problems in a relationship be “fleshed out” a term used in the therapeutic world. This meaning, being able to work through the hurts and disappointments that are always there in the world of relationship. Knowing how to fight fairly, not bringing up the past or throwing verbal zingers at your partner just to inflict pain or harm.

Before you’re singing the song…you’re already gone, I’m lonely, and find yourself begging your partner to stay, stop here please! These are the final stages of argument, where partners can make mistakes that are irreparable.

Professional help can often help partners sort things out and prioritize their relationship in a healthier more functional manner.

The statistical facts continue to support the fact that marriage and relationship is hard work. It is hard to keep sexuality and romance alive in relationship today. What can be done about it? Is sex still important after a few years together?

As a Clinical sexologist, I say, plenty can be done about it! And yes, sex is absolutely, totally, definitely, a necessity in relationship. There are a 1001 ways to show love, and enjoy a fully satisfying sexual life with your partner.


Dr. Krieger is a board certified sex therapist with a thriving practice in Boca Raton, Fl. She also offers therapy for individuals and couples worldwide by phone. Her main office website is http://www.bocatherapy.com and you can blog with her at http://www.askdrarlene.com

Is Your Rabbit Organic: A Quick Guide To Healthy Sex Toys

Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD  America's 2nd Favorite Sexologist

With the advent of the current green trend, did you ever wonder about the toxins in your sex toys? By the way, I’m hoping that this is not merely an organic trend or the politically correct way to be right now, but rather the new and only way for our future world. It is crucial that we all become aware of ways to save our beautiful planet earth, and keep ourselves safe and healthy as well.

So then, what of this current awareness of toxic sex toys? Well, it seems that many popular erotic toys are made of polyvinyl chlorides (PVC) , plastics long decried by eco-activists for the toxins released during their manufacture and disposal. Thes plastics are softened with phthalates, a controversial family of chemicals. Thes include the inviting soft “jelly” or “cyberskin” sex toy items that have become so popular in the last few decades.

Althought the earlier models, such as the infamous “Rabbit” were made with PVC plastics, it was difficult for many of the larger stores to carry plenty of items and yet avoid PVC. It was ultimately cheaper and the educated consumer had yet to reach the awareness plateau that exists today of green products, ie. soaps, detergents, linens, sheets, foods, and yes, sex toys!

Most have tried a sex toy once or twice. That great smell of your brand new plastic toy is basically the new toy”off-gassing, meaning it’s releasing VOC’s into the environment. The problem with VOCs? Organic compounds are the basis of all living things and contain carbon as their principal element. VOCs, in contrast, are chemical compounds that vaporize at room temperature.

They are suspected carcinogens, meaning that they can cause cancer when you breath them in. So consider what damage you can be doing when you put these “safe” plastic sex toys in your “vajayjay”… as Oprah would say!

Even scarier, sex toys are unregulated, meaning that there are no guidelines for manufacturing, no requirements to disclose what materials are involved in manufacturing and no regulatory body that governs what plastics and chemicals are used.

With all the recent press highlighting the indescretions and backstabbing policies of Big Business and the banking world, do you really expect your sex toy company to be a bunch of angels?
This all means that you must become an educated consumer. This includes investigating, reading, and knowing what you put on or in your body, from food to sex toys!

Also, an important note. We all need to push for regulatory action on the hazardous chemicals in all consumer products. A funny thing, these chemicals like phthalates, which were recently banned by the government in the children’s toys , are yet still a problem in our adult toys.

The time is now for green sex toys. By clicking on this link
http://www.babeland.com/?kbid=943&img=babeland_janesguide.gif and
then typing “rabbit habit” into their site search engine, it will take you
to the best out there.

My Relationship: Do I Stay Or Leave? By Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD Sexologist

Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD www.askdrarlene.com America's 2nd Favorite Sexologist

Again, one of the No. 1 questions that patients want to know in Sex therapy sessions. Of all of the issues of love, lust, libido, relationship, sex and intimacy in relationship…most everyone at one time or another asks this question.

My response is, that with faith, love and hope, anything worth fighting for can be fixed!

I always ask my patients to think back to what it was that attracted them to each other to begin with. In other words, what little nuances like, the way the other person smiled, or was easy to be with…or perhaps was kind to animals and strangers, or always offering to help out those in need.

These types of personal and behavioral characteristics are what makes up the charm or charisma that you were most likely first drawn to upon the first encounters with your partner.
Once into the grit and grind of daily life however, it is all too easy for us to lose site of what it was and is that we adored most about our lovers.

So to the question of how to know if this is for real? Whether you’re dating, living together, or married for just several years or 50…the key to knowing if you’re in the right place is simple.

No. 1 – Do you respect the person you are sitting across from at the dinner table, or sleeping next to in bed at night?

It is crucial that you think this one over for awhile, before you jump in to answer. If you have had a recent argument or don’t like the color your wife has painted the house, thats a disagreement, not a life determining factor that should make or break the relationship.

We all fight, in fact, it is those couples that “don’t fight” that truly worry me. Fighting fairly is a way of communicating and is healthy as long as certain rules are followed. This means no bringing up the other persons past, no back stabbing or name calling, nor undermining the other person. To fight fairly can be learned, these skills are available and should be utilized in order to prevent harm that can sometimes not be repaired.

Words spoken in anger can cut as sharp as any knife and wound your loved one to the core. For some, they can easily forget and forgive, for others…those words hastily spewed will resonate in their minds forever, ultimately killing the love and respect in the relationship.

If you as a couple, can find your way back to one another, by way of healthy communication, consideration for the others feelings, by allowing your partner to speak their truth, without fear of retaliation… or judgment, then you’ve taken the first steps to re-connecting with your partner.

Hopefully, you will find the love, respect, and devotion that was first there in your relationship.
These attributes are not something to be taken for granted. They must be nurtured, implemented and planted in your relationship on a daily basis, just as you would care for a delicate orchid.

The heart has a mind of its own, yet knows when it truly loves and receives love back. Being truthful about these delicate matters is not always a painless experience. However, moving forward and building on your love is the only way to grow a beautiful and thriving relationship.

Dr. Krieger is a board cerfified Florida Sexologist and offers in-offices therapy sessions or telephone therapy worldwide to both individuals and couples.  Her main website is http://www.BocaTherapy.com  Blog with her at http://www.AskDrArlene.com

What Is Normal Sexuality? Married People Want To Know.

Everyone wonders about this. Are our friends having more sex than we do? Do any other couples have this problem where one partner has high desire, and the other one has little to none? There must be something really wrong with us! Everyone wants sex 24/7 don’t they?

The answer to these most commonly asked questions are no. Not really. More than 40 million Americans feel stuck in low-sex or no sex marriages. Research studies tell us that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 7 men reported little to no sexual desire. Sometime in a marriage more than 50% of couples experience one or both partners with little to no sexual desire.

Desire problems are the most frequent complaint of couples entering sex therapy. They are also often the unspoken complaint of couples entering relationship therapy. It is important to first rule out any physical or biological medical problems.

With this in mind, it is recommended to make an appointment with your general medical doctor, or get a referral from your Sex Therapist (Board certified Clinical Sexologist). Your therapist will recommend that the medical doctor run a hormonal profile along with a physical exam to rule out any other problems, such as medical disease or medications that could be affecting your libido or sexual desire.

In today’s society relationship issues including, sexual anxieties, inhibitions, and problems are the norm. We’re afraid of not doing it “right”, like in movies and books. “Right” would be intercourse, with both parties craving each other all the time and having simultaneous orgasms every time they’re intimate. In other words, “being all over each other 24 hours a day.

Wrong! Healthy sexuality means giving and receiving touching that is pleasurable. Sexuality and intimacy may include 1001 different modes of showing love and affection for one another. There is no 1 one “right way” of making love. The optimal experience would be that of being together, with no “editing” of the respective partner. In other words, take your time, experiment, kiss, touch, and take time to build up the level of excitement with one another. If there is always an ultimate goal of an absolute outcome…surely one of you is likely to be disappointed.

Great sex and love- making is not goal oriented, but process oriented. (The journey, not the destination.) It allows both partners to enjoy pleasure. It varies. Sometimes one or both has an orgasm. Sometimes not. And that’s ok. What’s not ok is not caring about yours or your partner’s needs.

There are many possible reasons for a discrepancy in desire between partners. The first is biological. As I mentioned in the statistics above, more than twice as many women than men have problems with sexual desire. This is because after the infatuation phase of the relationship, when hormones are running rampant, things settle down to natural biological rhythms. And biologically speaking, whoever has the most testosterone usually has the most desire.
Hmmm…. I wonder which gender that is!

Other reasons relevant to both genders are performance anxiety, emotional pain in the relationship, coerced intimacy, sex used as a bartering tool, lack of time, lack of energy, and fear of intimacy to name a few. These can be helped with an understanding therapist.

What you can do: see a relationship expert or sex therapist that can help you experience the pleasure and joy of intimate connection. You deserve no less.America's 2nd Favorite Sexologist

Sexologist Dr. Arlene Krieger, PHD Article: Love Before You Leap

In today’s world of cyber-space technology, we are a society overwhelmed with information from Sex to Politics. Our sympathetic nervous system is flooded with multi-media, from the privacy of our homes to almost every other venue that we could possibly experience during our daily routines of life.

Recently, while sitting in a doctor’s waiting room, another patient walked in and remarked. ” oh no…not him again” referring to a television news conference with Obama at the helm. Perhap I have seen so much of Hillary and Obama lately, that I too had reached my satiation level for the week. I looked up from the magazine article I was reading, oblivious to the intrusive nature of the large 42inch plasma screen on the opposite wall of the waiting rooms sterile environment.

Somehow I had found my way to a magazine that peaked my interest instead, and had not noticed the mechanical drone of the monster T.V. Not of interest to me, however seemingly comforting to some, I was momentarily fascinated by the mere fact that I actually could “tune out” the blare of the commotion of the daily news.

It occured to me later that day, that if we as human beings, can “tune out” much of what we are bombarded with via, electrical signals, machinery, techno-techniques, visual and sensory over-stimulation, than what other of our senses have we automatically “shut down” in order to survive the fast pace of this 21st century????

Of course due to the nature of my profession, the wheels are always turning, seems I am never without a book or journal in pocket. As a student of human nature and the behavioral sciences, we as psychotherapists don’t just turn off our inquisitive minds once we achieve our highest level of degrees.

It is important for me as a Doctor, knowing the part I play in patient’s lives, to be currently well read in the genre of Love , Sex and Relationship. Essentially always existing on the “virtual cusp” of why, what and how we LOVE in today’s society.

In order to achieve “successful outcome” in therapy, the information and knowledge that can be provided to the patient, known in this field as “bibliotherapy”, is an essential component of the therapeutic process.

Simply defiined; Information is knowledge, Knowledge is Power. If you are looking to empower yourself in a healthy, loving, sexual, and intimate relationship in today’s world, You will need all the tools and tips for success that you can get !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This brings me to the issue of patients blocking out their emotionality at different levels. If we can block out the daily noise of life, then surely you can understand how easy it would be to accidently block your emotions. This means, internalizing your frustrations, building up anger issues without venting, not utilizing fair-fighting skills, guarding your inner self and seeing yourself as a victim in many situations, not being understood, not getting the love that you think you deserve in your relationship.

If any of the above seems familiar to you, join the club!!!!!!!!!! How can we be in “touch with our inner selves” if we are not even fully present in the moment, not even aware of who we are or where we are in our environment, let alone our relationships and marriages.

Love before you Leap, is a metaphor of knowing yourself first.
How can we love and expect to be loved, if you don’t love yourself.
Becoming aware of who you are, where you are going, and then deciding who you are taking with you….is one of the most fertile adages I know. It is certainly food for thought.

Taking the time to simplify your life, deciding “Who is Writing Your Script” and who are the players in your script. Are you the director, who are your writers, your stage hands, etc. You and only you should be in control of your choices in life. Although “Choice” takes work and is not a simple process….understanding who you are and whom you choose to love is a great beginning to successful relationship. Choosing to know yourself first, before you either LOVE or LEAP into the 21st century of the many choices we are faced with, can only serve you with clarity and better decision making skills
Blog with Dr. Arlene at http://www.askdrarlene.com