Media Release from: Wicked Game Productions

Media Release: Dr. Arlene G. Krieger’s first book, Sex From the Couch, to be released July 16th, 2013. Please look for us, The Blue Bird Books on !

Book Review

“Throughout my years as a PhD.  Clinical Sexologist and Marriage and Family therapist, these reoccurring issues of why love grows stale and what love even means in the social context of our time, have weighed heavy on my mind. Rather than write a clinical book on the subject, I wrote this book, an easy read and lighthearted yet philosophical free-fall of stories, thoughts and advice on the subjects of love, lust and relationship.

Real love entails dedication and commitment, along with the responsibilities that come with this type of devotion to allowing another person into your life. Often times these relationships lack movement, creativity and the curiosity that it takes to keep the bond between two people continuously rejuvenated and alive.

Not every story here will speak to you, however it is said that, Truth is singular, and its many versions are often mis-truths. Thus, our belief systems often become our interpretations of the world we live in and therefore, our own individual truths. Who is the victim or villain in these vignettes of love and longing? Willing or innocent, predatory or provocateurs, we all as part of the human species, want human connection.

You will be delighted and shocked, puzzled and at times both offended and aroused, but I am sure that you will keep on reading, unable to look away, knowing that you will find yourself, somewhere around the corner on the next page.

Why can’t you stay in love the way it was when you first met? Can you remember that feeling of being so fully alive? … Happy inside as your heart skipped a beat in receiving your new lover’s phone call, text or email. Just hearing the sound of that ping set you on fire with hopes and dreams of romance and unbridled desire.  Where did all of the excitement go?

Can those feelings ever come back as strong as in the beginning? For many, sexuality is still a mysterious and miss-understood, complex problem continuously arising in their relationships and daily interactions.

Whether it is an issue of someone wanting more, or simply wanting something sexually different or differently exciting ….there it is, the ugly truth that you just simply aren’t attracted to your partner any longer. It can hit you as suddenly as an afternoon spring rainstorm…the realization that your partner just doesn’t do it for you. You find yourself daydreaming or having fantasies about that hard bodied guy that smiled seductively as he passed you by in the supermarket aisle.

What is this thing called love? Forget about love, the important questions are; what about relationship?  How the heck did I get here? And, is this all there is?  I think these are the most frequently asked questions by those that find themselves in a partnership with another person.

I have worked with thousands of people over the years, from all walks and social contexts of life. Love comes in many shapes and forms, meaning that we all love differently. This is not simply a decision of how to love another person, but is greatly informed often by a person’s family of origin ….and how they learned to love.

This is the best collection of human stories to date without a doubt and your experiences of love and life would be poorer without it.  Some are a reflection of thoughts from my work as a Clinical Sexologist, others are true tales of life and love relayed through friends, acquaintances, people at parties, on airplanes, and any setting you can imagine.

These stories, as disclosed directly by people just like you; not solicited but offered up and sandwiched in between conversations in my daily routines of life, for you to now be invited into the “real normal” of human relationship.

If you find yourself in these stories, hopefully you will also identify with and be inspired in your own strength and insights to fight for a better and truer relationship with your partner.

*(all names and details have been changed to maintain privacy and confidentiality)

The Woman’s Mancode: Laws of Attraction

Some men are just oblivious and others simply seem to just get it and understand what we women are all about! It is a well known fact that the sexes are altogether different creatures. So hold on to your Iphone and take careful notes here guys!

Women in general like acknowledgment and loving affection, a person withwhom they can connect, relate to and most important of all, a person they can trust. We also need our men to be able to “Communicate.” Yes I know, that is such a tricky term of art for men to grasp, so I’ll make it simple and break it down for you guys.

Women want to be able to discuss their life, their dreams, their hopes and fears. For every secret they tell you, they want you to tell them four more. Hopefully by the time you’ve dated for at least a month, women want to be able to feel the “we” of the relationship, which means that you would be using what I call “future talk” with one another.

This includes talk on the man’s part of wanting to include the woman in his life to some capacity, i.e. introducing her to his friends, remembering specifics of her career, being spontaneous, wanting to surprise and please her, talk of future plans together for the holidays, summer vacations, in other words, letting your woman know that you can actually see a possible future for the two of you somewhere down the road! ( Im not talking about running off to get married at the the Elvis Chapel on the 5th date)

Although women can seem mysterious, they will show you what it feels like to be truly loved, as long as you’re willing and able to accept the responsibility of a true and loving relationship. It is up to you, the man to show them that you and your feelings for her are real, and mean it! Your words must always be your honor. No excuses or sad stories for why you forget to call them on Saturday nights or are too tied up with your own life demands to find the time to pursue them ( no matter how hard it may be for you at times) with the desire of a man in love!

Compassion and understanding are also big on the list of Do’s. Women like a man that is compassionate and understanding, someone who shows that he genuinely cares. It is important for a woman in this 21st century to be able to speak her mind without being considered to be “trouble” or a “princess”….respect for your woman’s thoughts and opinions matter. Recognize her intelligence and strong points.

Even if you don’t agree with her, find good points from both perspectives and learn to communicate. It is of utmost import for her to know that she is seen as a total and whole person in your eyes. Never cut her down or tell her she would be so much more beautiful ( or look 10 years younger) if only she would ; i.e. get her breasts enlarged or go blond! Find something unique her that no one has ever told her about before, and mean it. Women will see right through anything that is not authentic.

Hope these few tips for getting the girl that you deserve have helped! Just remember, you’ve gotta be the guy that she deserves and no less!!!!!


Dr. Arlene G. Krieger is Clinical Sexologist with a private practice in Boca Raton, Florida. Look for her new book,  The New Orgasm: Which Type Are You?  this Winter 2010

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Choosing to Love:The No. 1 Key To Finding a Fulfilling Relationship

How can you be missing someone that never existed? No matter how much you hoped for or pretended that things weren’t all that bad, you find that you’re alone without your partner. Seeking a rock to stand on you’ve taken all you can bear and climbed up and out of the relationship.

Your memory will try to play tricks on you for awhile. All you can remember is the last time your lips touched or the final words said to each other. Nothing else seems to matter, how can things be right with the world when your lover has turned her/his back on you. After all, you gave them your heart, your love, your soul energy for gods’ sake! Perhaps you thought you heard them whisper words of love and intent, but perhaps it was just your own imagination blowing in the wind.

There seems to be no relief in sight and you can’t forget what it was like in their arms. You gave away your heart and all you got back was indecision and doubts.


All that you wanted out of a relationship doesn’t have to end in this type of scenario!
There are some key relationship tools that can help you to see who you are, how you got there, and how not to go towards a negative relationship again. Here are a few brief guidelines to put you on that road to happiness, finally realizing healthy and whole relationships.

Don’t be discouraged, it’s harder than you think in this world full of so many personalities and values, to find your true love. What’s done is done, however there is somebody out there for everyone. The perfect relationship can’t be ordered up like Latte’ at your favorite Starbucks.

The Relationship Tools:

No.1 – Choosing a partner

No. 2- Dating vs. The Booty Call or Multi-Task Daters-

No. 3- Respect your own values and know what your boundaries are

No.4- The Spirit and Soul Connection

These are some basic rules of thumb for not being the victim in any relationship. The heart has a mind of it’s own and you can only control yourself, no one elses emotions. If you are not getting your needs met, get out. People don’t usually change. What you see is what you get.

Your partners should be considerate and respectful of who you are as a person. Love and relationship is not about what you can get from another person, but rather, true love and caring for someone is about wanting the best for your partner.

The test of whether or not you are choosing the right partner is simple. Are you at ease? Does this person lift your spirits, do you feel good about yourself when in the presence of your partner? Do you both want the same things out of life? Choose carefully, relationship is a sacred and special sharing of energy between two people, two unique souls.

In love and light…
Dr. Arlene

Loving With Abandon

In a random moment the other day, without any particular agenda or pre-determined intent, I asked a friend what he thought of ‘Love’. Naturally, there was the ever so slight guffaw and chuckle, before his response of, “oh boy.” Those two little words rolled off his tongue with the same effect as my auto mechanic when he’s standing over my car engine. Not sure if I’m going to get a simple answer, or be surprised with a need to bring auto parts in from Siberia! My seemingly simple question on “love” could have been received or responded to from various perspectives, though most consider love an ill-defined topic best avoided.

The action of love and the emotionality that comes along as a package deal, is not as complicated as one might think. NOTE: From my professional stance, I believe that love is an action not a feeling. A growing body of research shows that our “love attachments” actually have a neurological foundation from whence these emotional attachments come. This scientific theory establishes a link between monogomy and oxytocin-the so -called love hormone that helps bind mates, as well as mothers and offspring.

So then, what is it about the act of loving with abandon, without the disclaimers that so often are put up as barriers to feeling too much, or falling too quickly into this thing we call love? What horrible fate pray tell, may be awaiting the poor souls of the man/woman that gives too much or shows their cards too soon in love? Does the science of long-term bonds really play a part in the social dance of love?

In exploring this ever so timely question in today’s world of a throw-away society, where lovers are exchanged as easily as shoes that don’t quite fit right, lets begin with the building blocks of relationship.

Statistically, the reports show that men talk about relationship with their guy friends just as much as women do, only differently. Whether one wants to admit to it or not, we do still live in a male oriented society in the western world. The old standards of who calls whom, when is it appropriate to call, does the 48 hour call rule still count, what will he/she think if I call too much, what the heck is too much, who indeed makes these rules? Lets not even get into the notion of texting rules in this blog! That is an entire subject on its own!

Now first readers, you have to understand that I think relationship and sex 24/7, after all, I’m a Board Certified Clinical Sexologist with a private practice where all I do is work with persons with relationship, love and intimacy issues. How can one not think about love and relationship most of every waking moment considering my field of expertise. Every time a couple passes by holding hands whether 20 or 80, I wonder about their story.

The “story” is everything in LOVE. It is the perception and belief system of each individual, merged with the respective partner’s story. This coming together of two parties ultimately has to have a similar story in common for it to work. But then, who devises the “story” and who decides which parts to keep and which to throw away?

This is the part where it gets complicated, and when most of the couples I see end up in my office. We are all “storied” from the time we are small children. Someone in your earliest and most intimate of relationships, whether, mother, father, sister, brother, elementery school teacher Mrs. Smith, all the way up to the present has created a dominant discourse about you. You know what I mean, that you are either the cute one, the smart one, the one with personality and charm, the procrastinater, the smooth talker, the skinny one, the heavy one, the sad one, the shining star, the one thats going to grow up to be president, the loser, the winner, etc. etc.

The key here is whether or not you “buy into the story” or create your own story of who you are. This process also takes place when two people first meet. They bring their own stories to the table, but must co-create their story together as a couple in order to share a vision of a future together. This allows for mutual respect, love, adoration, compromise, care and fulfillment to grow in the relationship.

The largest jump that most couples must make is this joining of vision and ability to see the other partner as best friend and lover vs. the bad guy that is on the other team. The story is what makes or breaks the deal at this crucial point.

The “Sex” Tells A Story: Analysis of a Relationship

The Internet's Favorite Sex Therapist

The Internet's Favorite Sex Therapist

In my previous blog I asked my readers to comment on whether or not they believed in “Real Love.” The jury is still out on that one and I’m waiting a bit to read the emails I’ve been getting on the subject. I’ll soon write Part II, in which I will present my thoughts and theories on whether or not I believe there is such a thing as “true love.”

In the meantime, there is another component to relationship that is one of the most accurate ways to gauge the status of your relationship. First however, I need to define what I mean by relationship. I’m sure I’ve spoken of this in many of my previous blogs, but to clarify, I am referring to relationship as defined by Wikapedia:
-the connection between two or more people or groups and their involvement with one another, especially as regards the way they behave toward and feel about one another ; An emotionally close friendship, especially one involving sexual activity- a friendship, connection, union.
I think the above definition pretty much defines what we all in general think of when we hear the term “relationship.” However, not many bother to discuss or define the sexual part of relationship until it becomes a problem for someone in the partnership.

The “Sex” of a relationship does indeed tell a story, defining the nuances and compatibilities’, the individual oddities and yet beautiful dance that each of the partners brings to the lovemaking, and intimacy of the “it” of relationship. This heat and energy between two people can be way beyond and bigger than any intellectualization you can muster up, in attempting to define your feelings for one another.

Often couples come into therapy reporting that they seem to have lost the excitement and desire for each other. Usually this is a symptom of something much larger than merely a loss of libido.

The rivers run deep when it comes to the gamut of emotionality and feelings that we as humans can feel for each other. It only takes one great slight, or breaking of one of the sacred bonds of partnership, causing contempt and disdain for the respective partner.

In order be in the flow, and have the kind of intimacy and sexuality that movies and love stories are made of, YES…I believe GREAT SEX does indeed exist… there MUST BE INTIMACY in the relationship. In order for Intimacy to exist…there must be respect and trust. For Respect and Trust to be in place, good communication and the ability to compromise is an absolute. These ingredients of a great relationship cannot and do not exist independently of one another.

If you are in good health, physically and mentally, and there are no medical issues that would prevent you and your partner from enjoying a healthy and active sex life, then times a wasting!

What are you waiting for? Isn’t it time to explore the romantic options and possibilities that can exist for you both? Unfair fighting, standing your ground in arguments, building contempt and resentment in your relationship are go nowhere games that many people play.

Take time to stop and smell the roses…life is short and here to be enjoyed! Begin a new dialogue with your partner. Someone has to make the first move. Please don’t let your ego stop you from reaching out to your partner and expressing your needs and desires.

Remember that the state of your sex life is most always a measurement of a healthy working partnership. Don’t believe everything you hear on the morning radio talk shows…love is different than lust. Lust is a dime a dozen, a strong and enduring love is a gem that many never find. Take the time to be spontaneous and creative, loving and considerate and you’ll find that flicker of passion that can only exist with purpose and passion.

Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD, known as the Internet’s Favorite Sex Therapist, is a board certified sexologist, psychologist, and marriage and relationship therapist and owns <a href=””>Boca Therapy</a> in Boca Raton, Fl. She also offers phone therapy worldwide to both individuals and couples. Her popular blog is known as <a href=””>Ask Dr. Arlene</a>

Love: Myth Or Reality?

by Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD Boca Therapy  and blog with her at Ask Dr. Arlene.

Well, July 4th has come and gone, and the summer is almost half over. Can you believe it? What about your dreams all winter long, enduring the cold and the snow, thinking about that great summer vacation that lies ahead. Hoping to meet that special someone during that long hot and sultry summer, you devise the most intricate of plans in your head, knowing it will be a July full of romance and lust that will outshine any firework display!

SCREEEEECCHHHHHH!!!!! Ok, now back to reality. It is the middle of the summer, and your one true love has not yet appeared! Egad! What on earth, no it can’t be, not another bummer of a summer with no fantastic love story to report upon return to earth and your fellow co-workers!

So then, what of this fantasy that most of us have had once or twice in our lives, to fall madly in love with that one unique and fantastic, handsome/beautiful person that walks on water and floats through the air?

The one that you’ve created in your mind a thousand times over, that will love you like you’ve never been loved before and can do no wrong. The one guy or gal that reminds you of good old mom’s apple pie and dad’s aftershave when you were 6 years old.

Its a bird, its a plane, NO….or is it merely a myth as intangible as Superman’s ability to fly?

You tell me. I’d love to hear from my readers first. Then I’d love to respond to most all of you as to whether or not I truly believe that “REAL LOVE” does indeed exist!!

Looking forward to hearing your comments. 

Dr. Krieger is a board certified clinical sex therapist (sexologist) and marriage and family therapist in Boca Raton, Fl.   She specializes in relationships and intimacy issues. Visit her site at

Boca Raton Sex Therapist Explains “A Sexless America”

Boca Raton Sexologist
Is anyone out there still having sex? Honestly, I know it is summer and hot hot hot out there, but c’mon people…surely you have the time and energy to conjure up a bit of sexy stuff with your partner! As they say, “Just Do It!”

Madonna’s got it right when she sings,
“Gonna dress you up in my love, in my love All over your body, all over your body In my love All over, all over From your head down to your toes.”

There ya go, remember what it feels like to be in lust?

In conversation with another mental health professional this week, I was startled to hear her corroborative report that none of her patients were having sex! Although she doesn’t specialize in sexuality, the issues of low libido and desire were also raising their sad statistical little heads in her psychiatric arena of therapy.

The issues of low libido, lack of desire and simply falling out of love with a partner are in the top 3, of issues that present in my office. The reasons range from simply not being in the mood, to some personal affront or offense perceived by one or another of the partners, resulting in a sexless and guarded relationship.

Once anger and contempt enter the parameters of relationship, there is a black hole where the heart used to be. No love or intimacy can grow there in the dark.

Only through healthy communication can these problems in a relationship be “fleshed out” a term used in the therapeutic world. This meaning, being able to work through the hurts and disappointments that are always there in the world of relationship. Knowing how to fight fairly, not bringing up the past or throwing verbal zingers at your partner just to inflict pain or harm.

Before you’re singing the song…you’re already gone, I’m lonely, and find yourself begging your partner to stay, stop here please! These are the final stages of argument, where partners can make mistakes that are irreparable.

Professional help can often help partners sort things out and prioritize their relationship in a healthier more functional manner.

The statistical facts continue to support the fact that marriage and relationship is hard work. It is hard to keep sexuality and romance alive in relationship today. What can be done about it? Is sex still important after a few years together?

As a Clinical sexologist, I say, plenty can be done about it! And yes, sex is absolutely, totally, definitely, a necessity in relationship. There are a 1001 ways to show love, and enjoy a fully satisfying sexual life with your partner.

Dr. Krieger is a Florida board certified sexologist, marriage and family counselor, and mental health therapist.  She is an expert author on and known as America’s 2nd Favorite Sexologist.  Her office is located in Boca Raton and she provides telephone therapy worldwide. For more information visit

Blog with her at

Is Anybody Having Sex In America?

Is anyone out there still having sex? Honestly, I know it is summer and hot hot hot out there, but c’mon people…surely you have the time and energy to conjure up a bit of sexy stuff with your partner! As they say, “Just Do It!”

Madonna’s got it right when she sings,
“Gonna dress you up in my love, in my love All over your body, all over your body In my love All over, all over From your head down to your toes.”

There ya go, remember what it feels like to be in lust?

In conversation with another mental health professional this week, I was startled to hear her corroborative report that none of her patients were having sex! Although she doesn’t specialize in sexuality, the issues of low libido and desire were also raising their sad statistical little heads in her psychiatric arena of therapy.

The issues of low libido, lack of desire and simply falling out of love with a partner are in the top 3, of issues that present in my office. The reasons range from simply not being in the mood, to some personal affront or offense perceived by one or another of the partners, resulting in a sexless and guarded relationship.

Once anger and contempt enter the parameters of relationship, there is a black hole where the heart used to be. No love or intimacy can grow there in the dark.

Only through healthy communication can these problems in a relationship be “fleshed out” a term used in the therapeutic world. This meaning, being able to work through the hurts and disappointments that are always there in the world of relationship. Knowing how to fight fairly, not bringing up the past or throwing verbal zingers at your partner just to inflict pain or harm.

Before you’re singing the song…you’re already gone, I’m lonely, and find yourself begging your partner to stay, stop here please! These are the final stages of argument, where partners can make mistakes that are irreparable.

Professional help can often help partners sort things out and prioritize their relationship in a healthier more functional manner.

The statistical facts continue to support the fact that marriage and relationship is hard work. It is hard to keep sexuality and romance alive in relationship today. What can be done about it? Is sex still important after a few years together?

As a Clinical sexologist, I say, plenty can be done about it! And yes, sex is absolutely, totally, definitely, a necessity in relationship. There are a 1001 ways to show love, and enjoy a fully satisfying sexual life with your partner.


Dr. Krieger is a board certified sex therapist with a thriving practice in Boca Raton, Fl. She also offers therapy for individuals and couples worldwide by phone. Her main office website is and you can blog with her at

Is Your Rabbit Organic: A Quick Guide To Healthy Sex Toys

Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD  America's 2nd Favorite Sexologist

With the advent of the current green trend, did you ever wonder about the toxins in your sex toys? By the way, I’m hoping that this is not merely an organic trend or the politically correct way to be right now, but rather the new and only way for our future world. It is crucial that we all become aware of ways to save our beautiful planet earth, and keep ourselves safe and healthy as well.

So then, what of this current awareness of toxic sex toys? Well, it seems that many popular erotic toys are made of polyvinyl chlorides (PVC) , plastics long decried by eco-activists for the toxins released during their manufacture and disposal. Thes plastics are softened with phthalates, a controversial family of chemicals. Thes include the inviting soft “jelly” or “cyberskin” sex toy items that have become so popular in the last few decades.

Althought the earlier models, such as the infamous “Rabbit” were made with PVC plastics, it was difficult for many of the larger stores to carry plenty of items and yet avoid PVC. It was ultimately cheaper and the educated consumer had yet to reach the awareness plateau that exists today of green products, ie. soaps, detergents, linens, sheets, foods, and yes, sex toys!

Most have tried a sex toy once or twice. That great smell of your brand new plastic toy is basically the new toy”off-gassing, meaning it’s releasing VOC’s into the environment. The problem with VOCs? Organic compounds are the basis of all living things and contain carbon as their principal element. VOCs, in contrast, are chemical compounds that vaporize at room temperature.

They are suspected carcinogens, meaning that they can cause cancer when you breath them in. So consider what damage you can be doing when you put these “safe” plastic sex toys in your “vajayjay”… as Oprah would say!

Even scarier, sex toys are unregulated, meaning that there are no guidelines for manufacturing, no requirements to disclose what materials are involved in manufacturing and no regulatory body that governs what plastics and chemicals are used.

With all the recent press highlighting the indescretions and backstabbing policies of Big Business and the banking world, do you really expect your sex toy company to be a bunch of angels?
This all means that you must become an educated consumer. This includes investigating, reading, and knowing what you put on or in your body, from food to sex toys!

Also, an important note. We all need to push for regulatory action on the hazardous chemicals in all consumer products. A funny thing, these chemicals like phthalates, which were recently banned by the government in the children’s toys , are yet still a problem in our adult toys.

The time is now for green sex toys. By clicking on this link and
then typing “rabbit habit” into their site search engine, it will take you
to the best out there.

My Relationship: Do I Stay Or Leave? By Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD Sexologist

Dr. Arlene Krieger, PhD America's 2nd Favorite Sexologist

Again, one of the No. 1 questions that patients want to know in Sex therapy sessions. Of all of the issues of love, lust, libido, relationship, sex and intimacy in relationship…most everyone at one time or another asks this question.

My response is, that with faith, love and hope, anything worth fighting for can be fixed!

I always ask my patients to think back to what it was that attracted them to each other to begin with. In other words, what little nuances like, the way the other person smiled, or was easy to be with…or perhaps was kind to animals and strangers, or always offering to help out those in need.

These types of personal and behavioral characteristics are what makes up the charm or charisma that you were most likely first drawn to upon the first encounters with your partner.
Once into the grit and grind of daily life however, it is all too easy for us to lose site of what it was and is that we adored most about our lovers.

So to the question of how to know if this is for real? Whether you’re dating, living together, or married for just several years or 50…the key to knowing if you’re in the right place is simple.

No. 1 – Do you respect the person you are sitting across from at the dinner table, or sleeping next to in bed at night?

It is crucial that you think this one over for awhile, before you jump in to answer. If you have had a recent argument or don’t like the color your wife has painted the house, thats a disagreement, not a life determining factor that should make or break the relationship.

We all fight, in fact, it is those couples that “don’t fight” that truly worry me. Fighting fairly is a way of communicating and is healthy as long as certain rules are followed. This means no bringing up the other persons past, no back stabbing or name calling, nor undermining the other person. To fight fairly can be learned, these skills are available and should be utilized in order to prevent harm that can sometimes not be repaired.

Words spoken in anger can cut as sharp as any knife and wound your loved one to the core. For some, they can easily forget and forgive, for others…those words hastily spewed will resonate in their minds forever, ultimately killing the love and respect in the relationship.

If you as a couple, can find your way back to one another, by way of healthy communication, consideration for the others feelings, by allowing your partner to speak their truth, without fear of retaliation… or judgment, then you’ve taken the first steps to re-connecting with your partner.

Hopefully, you will find the love, respect, and devotion that was first there in your relationship.
These attributes are not something to be taken for granted. They must be nurtured, implemented and planted in your relationship on a daily basis, just as you would care for a delicate orchid.

The heart has a mind of its own, yet knows when it truly loves and receives love back. Being truthful about these delicate matters is not always a painless experience. However, moving forward and building on your love is the only way to grow a beautiful and thriving relationship.

Dr. Krieger is a board cerfified Florida Sexologist and offers in-offices therapy sessions or telephone therapy worldwide to both individuals and couples.  Her main website is  Blog with her at